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Integration of Water Resources Engineering with GIS & Simulation Models ( Part 1 )
Introduction (22:48)
Chapter 1 - Weather Data
Introduction (5:31)
Obtaining of Daily Weather Data (9:32)
Getting Hourly Precipitation Data (18:07)
Chapter 2 - Soil type and Land use
Introduction (10:29)
Getting a Shapefile map of any country (16:32)
Obtaining and preparing a land use map for any country or region from ESA (36:48)
Obtaining and preparing a land use map for any country from DIVA GIS (18:41)
Obtaining and preparing a Soil type map for any country by HWSD (39:35)
Obtaining and preparing a Soil type map for any country or region by DSMW (23:19)
A land use map for Multi country or region from ESA, Case 1a (27:09)
A Soil type map for Multi country by HWSD, Case 1b (26:07)
A land use map for Multi country from DIVA GIS, Case 2 (33:18)
A Soil type map for Multi country by DSMW, Case 3 (15:27)
Adding the SWAT US SSURGO Soils to soil map database of HWSD for any country (37:04)
Adding the SWAT US SSURGO Soils to soil map database of DSMW for any country (39:46)
Meaning of the numbers of land use maps taken from ESA and DIVA GIS (15:38)
Adding some parameters to the soil type map database of DSMW (24:02)
Adding the Classification Codes of USGS_LULC to Land use map database of ESA (22:19)
Chapter 3 - Arc SWAT
Introduction (7:12)
Some additions and settings before working on Arc swat (14:28)
Weather Database of any country with UTM coordinates from Global Weather Database (38:12)
Weather Database of Multi country with UTM coordinates from Global Weather Database (35:03)
Working on Arc swat (Part 1) (16:41)
Working on Arc swat (Part 2) (12:41)
Working on Arc swat (Part 3) (15:52)
Working on Arc swat (Part 4) (10:25)
Chapter 4 - GSSHA model in WMS
Introduction (9:26)
Delineate Watershed of the GSSHA model in WMS (13:08)
Define Land use and Soil Data of the GSSHA model in WMS (11:35)
Hydrologic Computations of the GSSHA model in WMS (Part 1) (26:51)
Hydrologic Computations of the GSSHA model in WMS (Part 2) (15:57)
Define Precipitation of the GSSHA model in WMS (17:35)
Run Hydrologic Model and Analysis the Results of the GSSHA model in WMS (17:05)
Adding and Applying Precipitation Data of the GSSHA model in WMS (Case 1) (8:23)
Adding and Applying Precipitation Data of the GSSHA model in WMS (Case 2) (18:58)
Applying Precipitation Data of the GSSHA model in WMS (Case 3), with Conclusion (13:20)
Chapter 5 - SWAT Professional
Introduction (9:42)
Preparing the DEM and Shape file Map for the study area (12:24)
SWAT Project Setup, Watershed Delineating, and Adding Reservoir in Arc swat (23:06)
HRU Analysis, (Land Use-Soils-Slope) Definition in Arc swat (22:50)
Write Input Tables and Edit SWAT Input of Reservoir in Arc swat (18:45)
Run SWAT and Read SWAT Output in Arc swat (18:47)
Examine and Prepare Discharge data for SWAT CUP (35:48)
Using SWAT CUP to Calibrate SWAT model results (39:50)
Rewriting the Calibrated Parameters to Arc swat (34:00)
Chapter 6 - Arc Hydro tools
Introduction (5:23)
Preparing the DEM and Shapefile Map for the study area (12:24)
Set Dem map and Target locations for Hydro Config for Study area in Arc Hydro Tools (15:16)
Some settings in Arc Hydro Tools (11:51)
Definition of River Stream Order of the Basin Tributaries in Arc Hydro Tools (14:17)
Working on Watershed Processing menu in Arc Hydro Tools (10:33)
Determination the Site and Elevation for Inlet and Outlet of the Sub basins (10:53)
Determination the Sub basins Lengths of the Study area in Arc Hydro Tools (12:38)
Determination the Results of Calculating Quantitative Variables in Arc Hydro Tools (9:47)
Introduction (6:20)
Extraction of Formal characteristics (Part 1) (30:14)
Extraction of Formal characteristics (Part 2) (25:27)
Extraction of Topographic Characteristics (Part 1) (16:33)
Extraction of Topographic Characteristics (Part 2) (29:29)
Extraction of Hypsometric curve (Part 1) (27:01)
Extraction of Hypsometric curve (Part 2) (25:21)
Extraction of the water network (Part 1) (24:40)
Extraction of the water network (Part 2) (18:52)
Extraction Other Characteristic (19:35)
Calculating the erosion using the Gavrilo Vic equation (Part 1) (22:40)
Calculating the erosion using the Gavrilo Vic equation (Part 2) (31:14)
Factor analysis (Part 1) (26:38)
Factor analysis (Part 2) (50:31)
Accessories 1
Accessories 2
Obtaining and preparing a Soil type map for any country or region by DSMW
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